
Issue Three ( III )

(26 PAGES)
Welcome to the Annotated Crumbs #3, I'm your host KevinG. Finally, Crumbs starts to come into its own. Some 8 months after the last issue, Crumbs starts to introduce its larger cast and themes. What those could be are left entirely up to the reader. According to the synopsis in the official ApocaParty handout SPOILERS! - "Becky is to be sacrificed, burned at the stake by the nefarious Felix and his blind servant Pat. She is just another one of his victims, whom he is using to invoke the appearance of the Anti-Christ. Meanwhile Chuck is attempting to rescue her back, simultaneously as himself and the knight Charles, hunting his giant polar bear to save a princess. A final brutal confrontation takes place on both planes, saving Becky’s life (although her legs are horribly burned) while Felix burns on his own pyre. Pat joins our motley crew, however Chuck feels that something magic has happened, that Felix has succeeded." Oooh, spooky! With Felix gone, Pat becomes almost a sidekick, while Becky will slowly come into her own as a heroine. And Chuck? Well, he gets more crazy, that's kind of the point right Dear Reader?