Crumbs Encyclopedia

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Photo Name 1st Issue Status Biography

Allen1-17DeadChuck's brother, killed during the Apocalypse over some pudding cups

Apoc 1-1OngoingThe Apocalypse, aka "The Big A" aka "The End of The World". One night in 1984, society crumbled. The US East Coast was blown off the face of the planet. Cthulu rose from the Pacific ocean. Vampires took over Canada. Comets, Zombies, viral infections. All human bonds were broken. Suicide was common, as was mass murder and insanity. The few that avoided both were the yellow bellied survivors.

Animal Dave7-3Died 7-16Will do anything to meet his savior Longbrows, trying to gain citizenship in Utopia. Cut in half by Toshi while rushing at the throne

Bad Beat Bubby8-53AlivePercussionist for Flesh Strawberry, rumored to have dated Maggie Mae.

Barter Chief Gonz8-58SuicideUtopia's previous Barter Chief, who handles all incoming and outgoing trades with local scavangers. Gonz was a well liked BC, but his body was discovered in an empty hovel by Gary and Dirk. Official ruling was death by suicide. His credentials were used by Chuck to escape Utopia.

Barter Chief Sam8-63AliveImpressive mustachios, hired before Barter Chief Gonz' body was discovered.

Becky1-5AliveSpunky young lass who has a mean streak, a cute streak, an intelligent streak, and is always looking for Mr. Right. Loves Chuck, even though he severly beat her for smoking his cigarettes. Legs were badly burned in a pyre, has visible scars from it.

Becky's Father Carl1-4Died 8-18Sired Becky, likes suspenders and kinky sex. Not a good negotiator or father. Killed by zombie wife.

Becky's Mother Karrie1-4Died 8-17Birthed Becky, likes guys who wears suspenders. Does whatever Carl says, not a good mother. Her zombie was dispatched by Flywheel

Centurion Joe8-14Died 8-31Just a gaurd who is bad at his job watching the Heaps. Does as he is told. Knocked off the palace ramparts and killed during Pegg's attack.

Chino5-10AliveLead singer of Flesh Strawberry, Utopian Senator. Born in Sacramento Capital, does not really believe in any cause

Chuck 1-3AliveThe main man, the ultimate yellow surivor and scavenger. So far has lost one finger & one arm. Has long vestigial eyebrows, 2 bullets for his gun, a backpack full of stuff, and a talking right leg. Sarcastically known as "Some Hero". Empreror of Utopia, obsessed with the quest. Alter egos are Sir Charles and Cowboy Charlie

Chuck's Skull1-1AliveChuck's talking bleached skull. Acts as narrator for the story as it unfolds, speaking from the far future about his past glories and end by suicide.

Cowboy Charlie5-13AliveAbsolutely cold blooded killer of the old west, black haired and ruthless persona of Chuck. Wields his six shooter with his red right hand.

Deb6-11Fierce female, curly hair only grows on left side of head. Has navy tattoo, competitor for Chuck's love.

Detective Hunch8 CM2-10AliveFormer SFPD Detective and partner to Flywheel. Suffered a recent accident that left him less than what he once was. Investigating the relationship murder spree by the Careful Man.

Dirk7-24AliveHas one special thing, Guard of Utopia but sees it as just a job before he can get his big break. Friends with Gary, discovered Gonz' body.

Doctor America5-6AliveActual Doctor who believes in the American Dream. Bandaged head to toe to keep clean, wears a wig to get the ladies. Popular, but obviously insane. Uses needles to cure and kill. Majority leader of the Utopian senate, caduceus wand tattoo

Emperor Longbrows7-13AliveChuck's persona as the leader of Utopia. Unbenevolent ruler over the masses, despises his own position. Created the Senate so he would have less work, has total veto control over all votes.

Felix2-17Died 3-22Big, hairy, homosexual and mean. Wears wooden knuckles, kidnaps Becky for a virginal sacrifice. Uses pentagrams to summon the AntiChrist. Killed by Chuck with his own pyre.

Flesh Strawberry8-53On HaitusThe last band you'll ever see. Formed by Chino, Atomico and Bubby. Has one fan, Becky. Played Utopia shortly before the city's abandonning.

Flywheel8-17AliveFormer SFPD Detective turned scavanger. Handy with a blade, honest but uninterested in women. Turned down Barter Chief position offered by Becky. Paid to escort Toshi and Deb from Utopia.

G Wizz5-12Died 5-21Follower of Iluvatar, armed with a switchblade, good debator, died in the battle of Tin Man

Gary5-8AliveA nice guy with weird hair. Often seen protecting Becky. Prone to vomiting. Utopian Gaurd, minority Senate leader. Pegg broke his jaw in the fight at the palace and Gary shot his hand off, killing Pat. Jaw is wired shut. Shoots with his mind, but is not a good shot.

Glenn, 711 bodygaurd1-4Died 1-14Wears the standard 7-11 uniform - coveralls and a flame thrower. Over protective. Died in the 7-11 explosion lit by Becky.

GodHand7-6DisbandedUtopian Organization devoted to the protection of it's Emperor. Headed by T-Dog. Most members aren't aware that Godhand also is fleecing the citizens and planning on taking over the city with the assasination of Longbrows.

Hedge4-0Died 6-13Thumper, covered in razor sharp hair. Pragmatic, beheaded by his partner Pegg for giving up state secrets to Chuck.

Henry John5-14AliveThe Last Firefighter, afraid to raise his axe in anger again or he will not stop. During the apocalypse he killed an old lady who was stabbing him with scissors. Forced the vote to stay or leave Utopia.

Lacrosse5-10Died 5-21Field hockey and necktie officianado. Filmmaker who died in the battle of Tin Man

Leopold Perfidy8-21AliveT-Dog's butler and God Hand co-conspirator. Secretly an agent for the Government. Untrustworthy backstabber.

Little Man6-2AliveAide to the General. Hates when people think he is a boy when he is in fact a midget.

Maggy Mae7-11AliveSuffers from Spooky Girl disease. Senator

Mr. Ligg2-10UnknownShort guy, leather jacket, long hair yet bald, smokes a stogie. Started to appear in all of Chuck's delusions after Issue 1. Advocates strongly for the quest

Ox Bastich6-15Died 6-15Thumper, likes cursing and body piercings. Killed by T-Dog in the Tinman War

Past Chuck1-2AliveChuck used to be an overwieght loser, working in the SFO International Terminal of the airport. Dreams of visiting Japan

Pat2-21Died 8-42Felix's servant and slave. Blinded during the Apocalypse. Became Father Pat, leader and founder of the Utopian Church. The defeat of Pegg ended his life due to radiation exposure.

Pegg4-0AliveThumper, Asian, has radioactive plasma orbs instead of hands that are covered and controlled by cybernetic prostethics. Hates Chuck, keeps missing his chance to assassinate. Partner of Hedge, who he killed. Known to wear a black body suit to inflitrate. Has lost one cyberhand to Gary.

Rahib1-4Died 1-14Owner of the last 7-11, situated in sunny San Jose. Slavetrader. Blown up by Becky

Security Chief Walter7-35Died 8-33Runs the security detail of the Utopia, schedules in between bowling league games. Doesn't work on shabbat. Killed by Pegg when he assaulted Utopia looking for Chuck.

Senor Atomico5-10AliveFormer Mexican Professional Wrestling Champion. Finishing move is the Atomic Hammer Submission, which is only partially effective. Bassist for Flesh Strawberry, Senator of Utopia. Using steroids to bulk back up to fighting weight after losing it all during the lean Apoc years.

Sir Charles2-1AliveKnight of the quest, honorable, brave and true. Wields a vorpal blade. Mr. Ligg is his loyal companion. Saves princesses and slays bears.

Squilk7-10AliveBig man with headkerchief, mustache and one tentacle arm. Utopian Senator

The Baptist8-5AliveMysterious man from the future. Fanatic of the Church of the Hammer. Has travelled back in time to stop the Anti-Christ Longbrows. Religion disavows all machines and their use. Owns a magic time travelling helmet.

The Bear2-3Died 3-19Polar bear to be exact. Nemesis of Sir Charles, a mother avenging her cub. Stabbed and Eviscerated by the knight.

The General6-1Alive4 star General protecting the Government's interests. Leader of the Army, Thumpers and Giant Skull Robots.

The President5-28Died 5-29Commander in Chief of the American government and military. After being hideously maimed during the apocalyptic east coast meltdown, returned to his home state of California only to be gunned down by Charlie outside his VIP tent.

Thingy1-17UnknownInterrogative creature of unknown origin. Last seen attaching itself to Chuck before his vision quest.

Thom Thom7-10AliveSenator, good friend of Gonz. Leading the investigation into Gonz' disappearance. Resisted all measures to hire someone else, worried about GodHand conspiracies.

Thumpers4-0ActiveGenetically modified soldiers, often with animalistic mutations. Grown in vats in Texas and unleashed during the Apocalypse, Thumpers are exceptional killers with varying personality types. Their genomes were developed and bought and sold between nations, and probably includes cloning of popular models.

TinMan5-3Kaput 6-216 story Giant Robot used by the government to put down riots. Detonated by Chuck via Anti-Matter rifle, ending the conflict

Toshi5-20AliveLongbrow's personal bodygaurd, a time traveling Ronin from 15th century Japan. Lost his right earlobe in the Battle of Tin Man.

Trey "T-Dog"6-14Died 8-83Surivor of the Tinman War. Leader of GodHand, the secret organization within Utopia supposedly setup to worship and protect Chuck, but really enriching themselves and in contact with Government assassins. Bad Boss. Decapitated by his own butler, Leopold Perfidy.

Turtle Girl8-13AliveDisabled hunchback woman with a lisp who converts to the Church of the Hammer after listening to the Baptist

Utopia7-3AbandonedCity founded around a temple in the Northern Bay Area by Chuck's disciples while he lay in a coma. Was reinforced with a wall of junk called "The Heaps", and is backed by a river. Surrounded by a shanty town filled with those who wish to one day become Utopian citizens. Utopia has a demo-socialcratic system of government, ruled by an veto-powered Emperor.

Zombies4-7UnDead When there is no room hell, the dead shall walk the earth. The zombie virus was reportedly spread from the Cement Factory, the same Chuck is on a quest to find. Often the Zombies look like south bay area residents who are/were friendly with the author.